Returns Policy

If you need to return an item, it must be sent back to Golf 360 within 20 days of the purchase date. The item must be unused, in its original packaging, and in resaleable condition.

To arrange a return, please send the item to:
Golf 360
2 Matapihi Road, Mt Maunganui 3118

Please include a reference to your order number when returning the item. You will be responsible for the return shipping costs, and we recommend using a tracked courier service to ensure it reaches us safely.

Once we receive and inspect your returned product, we will issue a store credit for the purchase price (excluding any shipping costs).

We strive to provide detailed product descriptions to help you make informed purchases. If you have any questions about a product before buying, feel free to contact us at – we're happy to help!

Damaged or Faulty Goods

We take great care in ensuring our products are of the highest quality. However, in the rare event that you receive a damaged or faulty item, please contact us immediately at

If the product is unable to be repaired, we will arrange for a replacement. If a replacement is not available, we will issue a full refund, including shipping costs.